İstanbul Pazarlama

The Importance of Secure and Resilient Infrastructure Components Discussed at Sirkeci Orient Express Restaurant


The CIOs of leading companies in the business world came together at the “Importance of Secure and Resilient Infrastructure Components” panel, sponsored by İstanbul Pazarlama INC part of the CxO Event organized by BTHaber Newspaper. The event took place on July 27, 2023, at the prestigious location of Sirkeci Orient Express Restaurant in Türkiye. This special event brought together IT executives from the business world to discuss the impact of technological developments on business processes and why secure infrastructure components are critical for businesses. Among the participants of the CxO Event were technology leaders and senior executives. Participants discussed how secure and resilient infrastructure components play a critical role in digital transformation processes and daily business operations, sharing their experiences.

Korhan Arabacıoğlu, General Manager of İstanbul Pazarlama INC, who delivered the opening speech at the event, said, “The technological infrastructure of businesses is crucial today to gain a competitive advantage and to continuously improve. In this event, we examined the impact of secure and resilient infrastructure components on business processes and the key strategies for success in this area.” Moderated by Murat Göçe, the panel highlighted how secure infrastructure components provide protection against cyber threats and emphasized their critical importance for business continuity. The event aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive perspective on current business topics through information sharing, networking, and keeping up with industry innovations.